I'm now here at Blogger!
I moved from Livejournal for several reasons such as my preference for Blogger's layout and my use of Picasa.
I am Lawrence Antaran and this is my photoblog. You'll find here interesting urban scenes and objects, and perhaps things that will be able to lead to bright ideas. The images you'll see are mostly of the city I've lived in for 27 years. (Gosh, I've been living in Makati* for 27 solid years!) Of course, I'll post other photos especially those brought about by some experimentation with the camera.
I love taking photos and, even more, taking photos that tell stories. However, I'm not a professional and I'm not using an SLR yet. I think I'm still not ready. For now, I'm enjoying my point-and-shoot and I am practising some basics such as composition, lighting...
Here are just some of the phone photos previously posted in Livejournal:
Translation: "Mistresses of MGP Trans employees are not allowed to board (the bus)"
Do you see what I see?
Hmmm... Am I the only one who thinks it looks like... ?
And with the change in address, a change in name. My photoblog is now called Foblow!
Welcome and thanks for dropping by.
* Found in Metro Manila, Makati is the financial capital of the Philippines