Monday, June 8, 2009

Oh my...

Click to enlarge.
I've been wondering for quite sometime if I should.

For the past year, this blog has relied on an amazing point-and-shoot camera. But during the last month, I've been taking lessons on photography using a digital slr. And I've been wondering if I should integrate the shots taken using the new camera in this blog.

I am not sure why I am hesitant. There seems to be nothing wrong with it, right?

Perhaps, it's because it has been one of Foblow's strengths to try to capture good shots using a humble range finder. Also, it might also be due to the pressure of producing better images with a camera that offers more possibilities.

In any case, here's the first slr photo that I'm posting. A practise shot. In day when I coaxed almost everyone I saw at school to pose with the mannequin hands I found.

Wish me luck.

:: Click here for the workshop output exhibited at the Filipinas Heritage Library.


Edrick said...

wowowow! why not? shooting with a point is shoot has its pros (including stealth mode shooting hehe) pero dslrland is also a fun land to explore too so keep them dslr/p&s posts coming!

btw. that link there is is kindof broken—when i click this is where i'm directed at:
but i got to the gallery anyway. nice shot! :-)


Yeah, why not post your shots. so eager to see them. :)

ennui said...

i think you should start posting slr photos on your blog. take it to the next level :)

Lawrence Antaran said...

On Edrick and Acrylique - Thanks and I will. Also, the link is now OK. :)

On Marty - I hope I'm able to bring it to the next level ala Marian Rivera (for Natasha). Heehee... :P

Noel Y. C. said...

Nice "bisekleta" photo.

Lawrence Antaran said...

Thank you, Noel! Good thing those bikes were there during our phototrip. :D